
Scrambled word game
Scrambled word game

scrambled word game

Play as many rounds as you would like, and alternate who hides the cards. The Hider can repeat this process as many times as necessary to allow players to complete their sentence and a winner to be determined. Whoever completes a silly sentence first, wins. The Hider can add one minute to the timer, and players can resume sentence building.

scrambled word game

If the time runs out before any teams have completed a sentence, all teams must stop building their sentence. Whoever makes a complete sentence first before the time is up wins! If there is a tie, the Hider can judge the best sentence. If you find a blank dry erase card, use the dry erase marker to create your own word or image card! Some cards have images as an aid for early learners.

scrambled word game

Begin your sentence with a card that starts with a capital letter. When the time starts, the teams need to scramble to find enough cards to create a sentence (around 10 to 15 cards). Once the cards are hidden, set the timer to 5 minutes, or other desired time. The Hider should estimate 10 to 15 cards per team playing. Cards should be shuffled and hidden face down. Choose someone to be the “Hider” who will be responsible for hiding the cards around the play area. Gather a group and let’s get started! Each team can consist of one to three players. Scramble Ramble® can be played with one player or multiple players, so decide if you want to play as teams or solo.

Scrambled word game